Customer Testimonials

See what our customers think about our company.

Thank you so much for repairing our old crystal lamp. It's beautiful again!
Bob Jones  ,  Romeo  ,  MI
I never thought my kitchen mirror could look as good as it does now. It's amazing how improved it is. Thanks, sincerely
John Zellner  ,  Sterling Heights  ,  MI
When my decorative bottle got knocked over I thought it was gone forever. Thanks for saving it. It means a lot to our family.
Sharon Smith  ,  Troy  ,  MI
I took some mirrors to be re-silvered to Frank Wright. They were 85 years old. Mark was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. The re-silvering process is a skill. He did an exceptional job! The mirrors are incredible. Thank you
Don Brady Brady  ,  Monroe  ,  MI
Frank's customer service was superb. Our order was accurate and ready ahead of schedule. We would definitely recommend Frank Wright Glass for any of your specialty glass needs.
Lorrie DeRonne  ,  East Pointe  ,  Michigan
Frank Wright did our shower doors in the historic home we were renovating. They were timely, professional and courteous. Because we wanted a euro style shower, we did run into a small issue with some water leaking out however Mark came over asap and fixed our problem. Their prices were reasonable and very competitive. I would recommend anyone looking for glass work to Frank Wright.
Stephanie Stewart  ,  Detroit  ,  MI
What a great company, I have a Vintage home from 1931 with the original Bathroom mirrors that needed to be re silvered on the backs... I will get them back today and the look brand new... I highly recommend Mark to do any type of work and looking forward to knowing he can Handel any of my glass related projects
Tony Garvonic  ,  Clinton Township  ,  MI
Our special thanks to Mark Losinski, Frank Wright Glass, Inc., for doing an excellent repair on our Waterford goblets! Outstanding
Courtney Solenberger-McNeill  ,    ,  MI

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